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This publication of Silver Castle Holdings Ltd. (the “Company”) is for informational purposes only and is not an advice, recommendation, opinion regarding investment (and in particular does not constitute an “Investment advice” of any kind as defined in the Regulation of investment counselling, investment marketing and portfolio management law 5755-1995)and does not constitute an offer to invest and/or subscription of, solicitation of, any offer to buy or subscribe for any assets, digital assets, shares or other purchase securities of the Company or any of its affiliated entities (and in particular does not constitute an “offer to the public” or “sale to the public”, of any kind as defined in the Securities Law, 5728 – 1968) nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any investment decision. Certain content included herein has been prepared by third parties and the Company is not responsible for such content. The Company is not liable for any errors in content, or for any actions taken in reliance on any content. This publication does not substitute for professional investment advice which considers the specific and special circumstances and requirements of each individual. As a matter of caution, it should be noted that the Company may be deemed to have personal interest related to the subject matter discussed herein.
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